Shared Persistent Heap Data Environment Manual  1.1.0
Macros | Typedefs | Functions
sphsinglepcqueue.h File Reference

Shared Persistent Heap, single producer single consumer queue. For shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications. This implementation uses atomic operations to implement Lock Free Producer/Consumer queues (SPHSinglePCQueue_t). More...

#include "sastype.h"
#include "sphlfentry.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define __C__
 ignore this macro behind the curtain
 internal options flag for circular log buffers
 internal options flag set when circular log buffers have wrapped
 internal options flag set when circular log buffers have wrapped multiple times
 internal options flag for prefetching the immediate (0 offset) cache-line
 internal options flag for prefetching the next (line size offset) cache-line
 internal options mask flag used the reset circular log buffers More...


typedef void * SPHSinglePCQueue_t
 Handle to an instance of SPH Lock Free Single Producer, Single Consumer Queue. More...


__C__ SPHSinglePCQueue_t SPHSinglePCQueueInit (void *buf_seg, block_size_t buf_size)
 Initialize a shared storage block as a Lock Free PC Queue. More...
__C__ SPHSinglePCQueue_t SPHSinglePCQueueInitWithStride (void *buf_seg, block_size_t buf_size, unsigned short entry_stride, unsigned int options)
 Initialize a shared storage block as a Lock Free Single Producer Single Consumer Queue with a fixed entry stride. More...
__C__ SPHSinglePCQueue_t SPHSinglePCQueueCreate (block_size_t buf_size)
 Allocate and initialize a shared storage block as a Lock Free Single Producer Single Consumer Queue. More...
__C__ SPHSinglePCQueue_t SPHSinglePCQueueCreateWithStride (block_size_t buf_size, unsigned short stride)
 Allocate and initialize a shared storage block as a Lock Free Single Producer Single Consumer Queue. More...
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueGetStride (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue)
 Return the entry stride for an existing Lock Free Single Producer Single Consumer Queue. More...
__C__ void * SPHSinglePCQueueAllocRaw (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue)
 Allows the Producer thread to return the address of a (raw) queue entry allocated from the specified Single Producer Single Consumer Queue. More...
__C__ SPHLFEntryHandle_tSPHSinglePCQueueAllocStrideEntry (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue, int catcode, int subcode, SPHLFEntryHandle_t *handlespace)
 Allows the producer thread to allocate and initialize the header of a queue entry for access. The allocation is from the specified Single Producer Single Consumer Queue. More...
__C__ SPHLFEntryHandle_tSPHSinglePCQueueAllocStrideTimeStamped (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue, int catcode, int subcode, SPHLFEntryHandle_t *handlespace)
 Allows the producer thread to allocate and initialize the header, of a queue entry for access. The allocation is from the specified Single Producer Single Consumer Queue. More...
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueEntryComplete (SPHLFEntryHandle_t *entryhandle)
 Allows the producer thread to mark the queue entry, specified by the entry handle, as complete. This makes the queue entry accessible to the consumer thread. More...
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueEntryIsComplete (SPHLFEntryHandle_t *entryhandle)
 Return the status of the entry specified by the entry handle. More...
__C__ SPHLFEntryHandle_tSPHSinglePCQueueGetNextComplete (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue, SPHLFEntryHandle_t *handlespace)
 Allows the consumer to get the next completed queue entry from the specified single producer single consumer queue. More...
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueFreeNextEntry (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue)
 Allows the consumer to free the queue entry it just processed (using SPHSinglePCQueueGetNextComplete), from the specified single producer single consumer queue. More...
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueEmpty (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue)
 Return the status of the specified queue. More...
__C__ block_size_t SPHSinglePCQueueFreeSpace (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue)
 Returns the amount of free space (in bytes) remaining in the specified queue. More...
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueFull (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue)
 Return the status of the specified queue. More...
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueResetAsync (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue)
 Resets the specific queue to empty state asynchronously (without locking or atomic updates). More...
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueuePrefetch (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue)
 Prefetch pages from the specific queue. More...
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueSetCachePrefetch (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue, int prefetch)
 Set the cache-line prefetch options for entry allocate. More...
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueDestroy (SPHSinglePCQueue_t queue)
 Destroys the queue and frees the SAS storage for reuse. More...

Detailed Description

Shared Persistent Heap, single producer single consumer queue. For shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications. This implementation uses atomic operations to implement Lock Free Producer/Consumer queues (SPHSinglePCQueue_t).

! This API supports atomic allocation of storage for queue entries for zero copy persistence and sharing. Zero copy queues divides the process of producing a queue entry in to three steps:

#include <sphlfentry.h>
SPHLFEntryHandle_t *handle, handle0;
typedef struct data_struct11 {
double field0;
int field1;
int field2;
void *field3;
} data_struct11;
// Allocate zero copy queue entry
handle = SPHSinglePCQueueAllocStrideEntry (pcqueue, CAT_CODE, SUBCAT_CODE, &handle0);
if (handle)
{ // insert data into the allocated queue entry
data_struct11 *struct_ptr;
if (SPHLFEntryAddPtr (handle, (void*) sas_data_buff)
printf("error SPHLFEntryAddPtr(%p, sas_data_buff) failed)\n",
if (SPHLFEntryAddInt (handle, data_int1))
printf("error SPHLFEntryAddInt(%p, data_int1) failed)\n",
if (SPHLFEntryAddString (handle, (char*)data_string1))
printf("error SPHLFEntryAddString(%p, data_string1) failed)\n",
struct_ptr = (data_struct11*)SPHENTRYALLOCSTRUCT (handle, data_struct11);
if (struct_ptr)
{ // store struct fields directly into allocated queue entry
struct_ptr->field0 = data_double1;
struct_ptr->field1 = data_int2;
struct_ptr->field2 = data_int3;
struct_ptr->field3 = (void*)sas_data_buff2;
} else {
printf("error SPHENTRYALLOCSTRUCT(%p, data_struct11) failed)\n",
// Mark the entry complete and available to the consumer
} else {
while (SPHSinglePCQueueFull(pcqueue))
// pacing code

The consumer can access queue entries once they are marked complete. The consumer:

#include <sphlfentry.h>
SPHLFEntryHandle_t *handle, handle0;
typedef struct data_struct11 {
double field0;
int field1;
int field2;
void *field3;
} data_struct11;
// Get next queue entry
handle = SPHSinglePCQueueGetNextComplete (pcqueue, &handle0);
if (handle)
{ // insert data into the allocated queue entry
data_struct11 *struct_ptr;
sas_data_buff = SPHLFEntryGetNextPtr (handle);
if (!sas_data_buff)
printf("error SPHLFEntryAddPtr(%p, sas_data_buff) failed)\n",
data_int1 = SPHLFEntryGetNextInt (handle);
data_string1 = SPHLFEntryGetNextString (handle);
if (data_string1)
printf("error SPHLFEntryGetNextString(%p, data_string1) failed)\n",
struct_ptr = (data_struct11*)SPHENTRYALLOCSTRUCT (handle, data_struct11);
if (struct_ptr)
{ // access struct fields directly from queue entry
data_double1 = struct_ptr->field0;
data_int2 = struct_ptr->field1;
data_int3 = struct_ptr->field2;
sas_data_buff2 = struct_ptr->field3;
} else {
printf("error SPHENTRYALLOCSTRUCT(%p, data_struct11) failed)\n",
// Mark the entry free and available for reuse
} else {
while (SPHSinglePCQueueEmpty(pcqueue))
// pacing code

In this implementation the allocation of the entry is minimally serialized based on the assumption that only one (producer) thread will be allocating queue entries. Likewise the assumption is that there is only one consumer thread per SPHSinglePCQueue_t instance. This allows independent producer/consumer thread pairs to interact with a queue instance with minimum synchronization and overhead.

As an option the queue entry allocator will fill in a 4 or 16 byte entry header with:

Any additional storage allocated to the entry (after the header) is available for application specific data. This API also provides several mechanisms to store application data including; direct array or structure overlay, and a streams like mechanism. The API provides a completion function (SPHSinglePCQueueEntryComplete) which provides any memory barriers required by the platform and marks the entry complete.

The API support simple circular queues and requires a constant entry stride. A stride that matches or is multiple of the cache line size can improve performance by avoiding "false sharing" of cache lines containing multiple queue entries across cores/sockets.

Additional work will include automatic pacing with Hysteresis

Macro Definition Documentation

internal options flag for prefetching the next (line size offset) cache-line
Definition: sphsinglepcqueue.h:201
internal options flag for prefetching the immediate (0 offset) cache-line
Definition: sphsinglepcqueue.h:199
internal options flag for circular log buffers
Definition: sphsinglepcqueue.h:193

internal options mask flag used the reset circular log buffers

Typedef Documentation

typedef void* SPHSinglePCQueue_t

Handle to an instance of SPH Lock Free Single Producer, Single Consumer Queue.


Function Documentation

__C__ void* SPHSinglePCQueueAllocRaw ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue)

Allows the Producer thread to return the address of a (raw) queue entry allocated from the specified Single Producer Single Consumer Queue.

The allocation size is rounded up to the next quadword boundary. Mostly for internal use and testing. If the specified queue is full the allocation may fail.

This function is primarily for internal testing and should not be used by applications.
queueHandle of a producer consumer queue.
address of the raw entry, or 0 (NULL) if the allocation failed. For example the Allocate may fail if the queue is full.
__C__ SPHLFEntryHandle_t* SPHSinglePCQueueAllocStrideEntry ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue,
int  catcode,
int  subcode,
SPHLFEntryHandle_t handlespace 

Allows the producer thread to allocate and initialize the header of a queue entry for access. The allocation is from the specified Single Producer Single Consumer Queue.

The allocation size is the stride set when the PC queue was initialized/created. The Entry status, Category, Subcategory, and length are stored in the header of the new entry. Returns an entry handle which allows the application to insert application specific data into the entry via the sphlfentry.h API. If the specified queue is full the allocation may fail.

The queue entry is not ready for access by the Consumer thread, until additional application data is inserted and the entry is completed (via SPHSinglePCQueueEntryComplete).
queueHandle of a producer consumer queue.
catcodeCategory code to the new entry.
subcodeSubcategory code to the new entry.
handlespaceAddress of local area that will be initialized as a SPHLFEntryHandle_t for the allocated entry.
Handle of the initialized queue entry handle, from the handlespace parm, or 0 (NULL) if the allocation failed. For example the Allocate may fail if the queue is full.
__C__ SPHLFEntryHandle_t* SPHSinglePCQueueAllocStrideTimeStamped ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue,
int  catcode,
int  subcode,
SPHLFEntryHandle_t handlespace 

Allows the producer thread to allocate and initialize the header, of a queue entry for access. The allocation is from the specified Single Producer Single Consumer Queue.

The allocation size is the stride set when the PC queue was initialized/created. The Category, Subcategory, PID, TID and high precision timestamp are stored in the header of the new entry. Returns an entry handle which allows the application to insert application specific data into the entry via the sphlflogentry.h API. If the specified queue is full the allocation may fail.

The queue entry is not ready for access by the Consumer thread, until additional application data is inserted and the entry is completed (via SPHSinglePCQueueEntryComplete).
queueHandle of a producer consumer queue.
catcodeCategory code to the new entry.
subcodesubcategory code to the new entry.
handlespaceAddress of local area that will be initialized as a SPHLFEntryHandle_t for the allocated entry.
Handle of the initialized logger entry, from the handlespace parm, or 0 (NULL) if the allocation failed. For example the Allocate may fail if the queue is full.
__C__ SPHSinglePCQueue_t SPHSinglePCQueueCreate ( block_size_t  buf_size)

Allocate and initialize a shared storage block as a Lock Free Single Producer Single Consumer Queue.

Allocate a block from SAS storage and initialize that block block as a PC Queue. The storage block must be power of two in size.

buf_sizepower of two size of the heap to be initialized.
a handle to the initialized SPHSinglePCQueue_t.
__C__ SPHSinglePCQueue_t SPHSinglePCQueueCreateWithStride ( block_size_t  buf_size,
unsigned short  stride 

Allocate and initialize a shared storage block as a Lock Free Single Producer Single Consumer Queue.

Allocate a block from SAS storage and initialize that block block as a Logger. The storage block must be power of two in size.

buf_sizepower of two size of the heap to be initialized.
stridethe stride offset is bytes between allocated entries.
a handle to the initialized SPHSinglePCQueue_t.
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueDestroy ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue)

Destroys the queue and frees the SAS storage for reuse.

queueHandle to a queue to be destroyed.
0 if successful.
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueEmpty ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue)

Return the status of the specified queue.

queueHandle to a queue.
true if the queue is currently Empty (no entries). Otherwise False.
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueEntryComplete ( SPHLFEntryHandle_t entryhandle)

Allows the producer thread to mark the queue entry, specified by the entry handle, as complete. This makes the queue entry accessible to the consumer thread.

Also executes any memory barriers required by the platform to ensure that all previous stores to this entry by this thread are visible to other threads.

The Producer thread should not touch or modify a queue entry after calling EntryComplete. This is important to both correctness and performance.
entryhandlelog entry Handle for an allocated entry.
0 if successful.
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueEntryIsComplete ( SPHLFEntryHandle_t entryhandle)

Return the status of the entry specified by the entry handle.

entryhandlelog entry Handle for an allocated entry.
true if the entry was complete (SPHSinglePCQueueEntryComplete has been called for this entry). Otherwise False.
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueFreeNextEntry ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue)

Allows the consumer to free the queue entry it just processed (using SPHSinglePCQueueGetNextComplete), from the specified single producer single consumer queue.

Mark the current queue tail entry as free (unallocated and invalid) and bump the queue tail pointer to the next entry. If the specified queue is empty or the current tail entry is not yet completed the Free may fail.

The Consumer thread should not touch or modify a queue entry after calling FreeEntry. This is important to both correctness and performance.
queueHandle of a producer consumer queue.
True for successful tail free, otherwise indicated failure. For example the Get may fail if the queue is empty or the next tail entry is not yet completed.
__C__ block_size_t SPHSinglePCQueueFreeSpace ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue)

Returns the amount of free space (in bytes) remaining in the specified queue.

queueHandle to a queue.
number of bytes of free space remaining in the queue buffer.
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueFull ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue)

Return the status of the specified queue.

queueHandle to a queue.
true if the queue is currently full. Otherwise False.
__C__ SPHLFEntryHandle_t* SPHSinglePCQueueGetNextComplete ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue,
SPHLFEntryHandle_t handlespace 

Allows the consumer to get the next completed queue entry from the specified single producer single consumer queue.

Returns an entry handle which allows the application to access the application specific data inserted by the produced thread. If the specified queue is empty or the next queue is not yet completed the get may fail.

queueHandle of a producer consumer queue.
handlespaceAddress of local area that will be initialized as a SPHLFEntryHandle_t for the allocated entry.
Handle of the initialized logger entry, from the handlespace parm, or 0 (NULL) if the get failed. For example the Get may fail if the queue is empty or the next tail entry is not yet completed.
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueGetStride ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue)

Return the entry stride for an existing Lock Free Single Producer Single Consumer Queue.

queueHandle of a producer consumer queue.
the entry stride of strided queues, 0 if not strided, or -1 is not a valid SPHSinglePCQueue_t.
__C__ SPHSinglePCQueue_t SPHSinglePCQueueInit ( void *  buf_seg,
block_size_t  buf_size 

Initialize a shared storage block as a Lock Free PC Queue.

Initialize the specified storage block as Lock Free PC Queue control blocks. The storage block must be power of two in size and have the same power of two (or better) alignment. The type should be SAS_RUNTIME_PCQUEUE.

buf_sega block of allocated SAS storage matching the buf_size.
buf_sizepower of two size of the heap to be initialized.
a handle to the initialized SPHSinglePCQueue_t.
__C__ SPHSinglePCQueue_t SPHSinglePCQueueInitWithStride ( void *  buf_seg,
block_size_t  buf_size,
unsigned short  entry_stride,
unsigned int  options 

Initialize a shared storage block as a Lock Free Single Producer Single Consumer Queue with a fixed entry stride.

Initialize the specified storage block as Lock Free PC Queue control blocks. The stride and control flags are also stored. The storage block must be power of two in size and have the same power of two (or better) alignment. The type should be SAS_RUNTIME_PCQUEUE.

buf_sega block of allocated SAS storage matching the buf_size.
buf_sizepower of two size of the heap to be initialized.
entry_stridethe stride offset is bytes between allocated entries.
optionsoption bits.
a handle to the initialized SPHSinglePCQueue_t.
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueuePrefetch ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue)

Prefetch pages from the specific queue.

queueHandle to a queue.
0 if successful.
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueResetAsync ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue)

Resets the specific queue to empty state asynchronously (without locking or atomic updates).

Internal use for testing.

queueHandle to a queue.
0 if successful.
__C__ int SPHSinglePCQueueSetCachePrefetch ( SPHSinglePCQueue_t  queue,
int  prefetch 

Set the cache-line prefetch options for entry allocate.

prefetch == 0; No prefetch issued.
prefetch == 1; Prefetch the currently allocated cache-line.
prefetch == 2; Prefetch the cache-line following the allocated entry.
prefetch == 3; Prefetch the current and next cache-lines.

@param queue Handle to a queue.
@param prefetch prefetch option code.
@return 0 if successful.