Shared Persistent Heap Data Environment Manual  1.1.0
src Directory Reference


file  sasatom.h [code]
 Type and functions for SAS atomic operations.
file  sascompoundheap.h [code]
 Shared Address Space Compound Heap.
file  sasindex.h [code]
 Shared Address Space B-tree based on binary values including virtual addresses.
file  sasindexenum.h [code]
 Enumeration API for iteration over Shared Address Space binary B-tree index defined in sasindex.h. For use by shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications.
file  sasindexkey.h [code]
 API for defining binary Index keys for B-Trees.
file  saslock.h [code]
 Shared Address Space User Locks. Address based locking for shared address space blocks and utility objects.
file  sasmsync.h [code]
 API to manage the resources of the Shared Address Space.
file  sassim.h [code]
 Shared Address Space, base runtime for shared and persistent memory for multi-thread/multi-core applications.
file  sassimpleheap.h [code]
 Shared Address Space Simple Heap.
file  sassimplespace.h [code]
 Shared Address Space Simple Space. Allocate a SAS block as one contiguous space.
file  sassimplestack.h [code]
 Shared Address Space Simple Stack. Allocate a SAS block as stack.
file  sasstringbtree.h [code]
 Shared Address Space B-tree.
file  sasstringbtreeenum.h [code]
 An enumeration over a Shared Address Space, C String BTree index for shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications.
file  sphcompoundpcqheap.h [code]
 Shared Address Space Compound Heap, PCQueue extension.
file  sphcontext.h [code]
 Shared Persistent Heap, name/address context for shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications.
file  sphdirectpcqueue.h [code]
 Shared Persistent Heap, single producer single consumer queue direct API.
file  sphgtod.h [code]
 Functions to convert time stamp (sphtimer_t) values to struct timeval value format with gettimeofday() epoch.
file  sphlfentry.h [code]
 Shared Persistent Heap, logger/queue etc event entry status, update, and access functions.
file  sphlflogentry.h [code]
 Shared Persistent Heap, logger entry status, update and access functions.
file  sphlflogger.h [code]
 Shared Persistent Heap, logger. For shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications. This implementation uses atomic operations to implement Lock Free Loggers (SPHLFLogger_t).
file  sphlockfreeheap.h [code]
 Shared Persistent Heap, lock free heap allocator for shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications.
file  sphlogportal.h [code]
 Shared Persistent Heap, log Portal. For shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications. This implementation uses atomic operations to collect a set of Lock Free Loggers (SPHLFLogger_t) and control the switching to a fresh logger when it fills up, in a non-blocking but thread safe manner.
file  sphmultipcqueue.h [code]
 Shared Persistent Heap, multi producer multi consumer queue. For shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications. This implementation uses transactional memory operations to implement Lock Free Producer/Consumer queues (SPHMultiPCQueue_t).
file  sphsinglepcqueue.h [code]
 Shared Persistent Heap, single producer single consumer queue. For shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications. This implementation uses atomic operations to implement Lock Free Producer/Consumer queues (SPHSinglePCQueue_t).
file  sphthread.h [code]
 Thread utility functions.
file  sphtimer.h [code]
 Functions to access the Time Base register (PPC) or clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) measure time at high resolution. The POWER timebase is safe to use because it is; separate from CPU clock, invariant, and synchronized across cores and sockets.