Shared Persistent Heap Data Environment Manual  1.1.0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 sasatom.hType and functions for SAS atomic operations
 sascompoundheap.hShared Address Space Compound Heap
 sasindex.hShared Address Space B-tree based on binary values including virtual addresses
 sasindexenum.hEnumeration API for iteration over Shared Address Space binary B-tree index defined in sasindex.h. For use by shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications
 sasindexkey.hAPI for defining binary Index keys for B-Trees
 saslock.hShared Address Space User Locks. Address based locking for shared address space blocks and utility objects
 sasmsync.hAPI to manage the resources of the Shared Address Space
 sassim.hShared Address Space, base runtime for shared and persistent memory for multi-thread/multi-core applications
 sassimpleheap.hShared Address Space Simple Heap
 sassimplespace.hShared Address Space Simple Space. Allocate a SAS block as one contiguous space
 sassimplestack.hShared Address Space Simple Stack. Allocate a SAS block as stack
 sasstringbtree.hShared Address Space B-tree
 sasstringbtreeenum.hAn enumeration over a Shared Address Space, C String BTree index for shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications
 sphcompoundpcqheap.hShared Address Space Compound Heap, PCQueue extension
 sphcontext.hShared Persistent Heap, name/address context for shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications
 sphdirectpcqueue.hShared Persistent Heap, single producer single consumer queue direct API
 sphgtod.hFunctions to convert time stamp (sphtimer_t) values to struct timeval value format with gettimeofday() epoch
 sphlfentry.hShared Persistent Heap, logger/queue etc event entry status, update, and access functions
 sphlflogentry.hShared Persistent Heap, logger entry status, update and access functions
 sphlflogger.hShared Persistent Heap, logger. For shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications. This implementation uses atomic operations to implement Lock Free Loggers (SPHLFLogger_t)
 sphlockfreeheap.hShared Persistent Heap, lock free heap allocator for shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications
 sphlogportal.hShared Persistent Heap, log Portal. For shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications. This implementation uses atomic operations to collect a set of Lock Free Loggers (SPHLFLogger_t) and control the switching to a fresh logger when it fills up, in a non-blocking but thread safe manner
 sphmultipcqueue.hShared Persistent Heap, multi producer multi consumer queue. For shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications. This implementation uses transactional memory operations to implement Lock Free Producer/Consumer queues (SPHMultiPCQueue_t)
 sphsinglepcqueue.hShared Persistent Heap, single producer single consumer queue. For shared memory multi-thread/multi-core applications. This implementation uses atomic operations to implement Lock Free Producer/Consumer queues (SPHSinglePCQueue_t)
 sphthread.hThread utility functions
 sphtimer.hFunctions to access the Time Base register (PPC) or clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) measure time at high resolution. The POWER timebase is safe to use because it is; separate from CPU clock, invariant, and synchronized across cores and sockets